Terms of Use

Dates, itineraries and prices are valid in 2024.

The terms and conditions contained in this document shall apply to the tour booking concluded between TourSylvania and the undersigned client in respect of the tour, as more fully described in the tour dossier provided to the client on confirmation of the booking.

These terms and conditions shall be deemed to have been concluded in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and shall be interpreted according to the laws of Romania.

TourSylvania reserves the right not to confirm the booking until the amount set out is paid and all the relevant documentation has been signed and completed in full by the client.
Any amendments to, or cancellation of the booking shall be subject to these terms and conditions.

You must report any disability requiring special attention while on tour to TourSylvania at the time the reservation is made. TourSylvania will make reasonable attempts to accommodate the special needs of disabled travelers, but is not responsible in the event it is unable to do so.

Children below 18 are welcomed to our tours, but must be accompanied by an adult.

The prices shown on our website are final. The prices may modify in time. Once TourSylvania has received your full land deposit for any tour, that tour price is guaranteed and you are protected against any price increase due to currency surcharge. Any subsequent land cost increases are at TourSylvania's expense, not including energy cost increases and/or any government tax increases.

A non-refundable deposit is required to secure a booking in respect of the tour. This non-refundable deposit shall be set off against the tour price (the rest being paid in cash before the tour will begin). The prices of the tours are shown in the tour's page; they depend on the number of participants and the characteristics of the tour.

In case you book a tour and you want to change it later you can pay the difference of the tour price before the tour will begin, if you have the written acceptation of TourSylvania.

The tour price includes only those services/items that are included as per the itinerary and the tour dossier, and the client shall be responsible and pay in cash for any additional items.

In case of client's cancellation, the amount of money paid for booking the tours are not refunded.
TourSylvania reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, to cancel the tour on notice to the client. In such event, TourSylvania shall refund the amount received for the reservation to the client. It is recorded that refund of the tour booking price as aforesaid shall be the TourSylvania sole responsibility to the client, and no claim for any damages, howsoever arising, shall accrue against TourSylvania by reason of a cancellation of the tour.

TourSylvania will try to rebook the same vacation with a different departure date, or a similar vacation but there is no guarantee of availability of offering.
The client acknowledges that the tour is subject to a booking of 1-4 passengers. If the group is larger, you can ask for an offer via e-mail (toursylvania@gmail.com), the contact form on the website or via Facebook messaging, else, TourSylvania reserves the right to cancel the tour without refunding the deposit, in which event the client shall (for the avoidance of doubt) have no claim for any damages against TourSylvania.

In the event that the client joins the tour after the departure date/time, or leaves before the completion thereof for any reason whatsoever, the client shall not entitled to any refunds or debates whatsoever from TourSylvania.
Where the client wishes to change tours, he must have the written accept of TourSylvania and discuss all the details of the new date, time and price of the tour.
In the event that the tour is changed, these terms and conditions shall apply to the substituted tour, with the necessary changes having been made.

It is the client’s sole responsibility to ensure that passports, visas, health certificates, proof of vaccinations and any other required documentation are all in order for Romania.
TourSylvania shall not be held liable for any consequences, damages or claims if the client prior does not correctly attend to the client’s documentation and related matters as contemplated herein.

The client acknowledges that the travel insurance must include comprehensive medical insurance, and that the TourSylvania shall not be liable for any consequences, damages or loss as a result of the client failing to have the necessary cover.

The client shall be responsible for all baggage and personal effects brought by him or her on the tour, and TourSylvania shall not be liable for any loss or damage to such baggage or personal effects, howsoever arising.

The client accepts that to participate in the tour requires a measure of physical fitness and health and it is the client’s obligation to ensure that he or she is medically fit to embark on the tour.
Where the client is over the age of 65, TourSylvania requires a medical certificate or doctor’s letter confirming that the client is medically fit to undertake the tour.

The client must at all times comply with the laws, customs and foreign exchange regulations of Romania during the tour. In addition, the client acknowledges that any disruptive, dangerous or potentially dangerous behaviour during the tour shall not be tolerated and that TourSylvania, its members, representatives or volunteers, reserve the right to exclude the client from the tour at any point therein in such circumstances.
TourSylvania shall not be liable for any costs and/or expenses for the client resulting from exclusion as aforesaid, and the client shall not be entitled to a refund or rebate of the tour price or any additional compensation in such instances.

TourSylvania reserves the right to use any photographs and video taken during the tour for use in marketing or any other advertising material, and the client hereby consents to such use.
The client further agrees that TourSylvania shall retain copyright over any such photographs and videos taken during the tour and/or used in its brochures and, to the extent necessary, the client hereby assigns copyright in such photographs and/or videos to the TourSylvania.

Unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to war, mechanical breakdowns, weather, riots and other unforeseen reasons beyond the control of TourSylvania may cause delays or alterations to the tour. TourSylvania shall not be held liable in any way for any of these possible occurrences or any consequences, which may arise as a result of these.

On booking, the client shall be issued with our tour dossier and pre-departure information. It is the responsibility of the client to read and understand these information before travelling. The client must have all the travel documents prepared before booking the tour, otherwise he or she may lost the booking fee.

The client accepts that the tour is of an adventurous nature and involves an element of personal risk. TourSylvania and its respective members, volunteers and representatives shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising ( including, but not limited
to, the client’s or any other person’s injury or death, or any loss of or damage to the client’s or any other person’s property) which the client or any such other person may incur or suffer as a result of or arising from the clients participation in the tour and any other activities undertaken on or during the tour, and the client irrevocably and forever releases and discharges TourSylvania and its respective members, volunteers and representatives from any and all such liability.
The client furthermore indemnifies and holds TourSylvania and its respective members, volunteers and representatives harmless from and against any land all loss, damage, actions, proceedings, claims, demands and legal and other costs and expenses (including legal costs on an attorney and own client scale) of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising (including, but not limited to, the client’s or any other person’s injury or death, or any loss of or damage to the client’s or any other person’s property) which the client or any such other person may incur or suffer as a result of or arising from the clients participation in the tour and any other activities undertaken on or during the tour.

Please be aware that during your participation in the tours operated by TourSylvania, certain risks and dangers may arise beyond our control, including but not limited to: the hazards of traveling in undeveloped areas; travel by automobile or other means of transportation; forces of nature; political unrest; acts of lawlessness or terrorism; and accident or illness in remote regions without means of rapid evacuation or medical facilities. TourSylvania will not have liability regarding provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care that may be rendered. While TourSylvania will use its best efforts to ensure that adequate measures are taken, by agreeing to participate in a vacation and/or optional excursions you agree that you will hold TourSylvania harmless regarding any provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care rendered. TourSylvania is not responsible for such risks and dangers that may arise beyond our control. Payment of your deposit indicates you accept these risks and dangers and agree to hold TourSylvania harmless for such.

Photographs or pictures appearing on this website should be used solely as an indication of facilities and attractions. Actual facilities and attractions may vary according to itinerary. Maps shown are current at the time of printing and may not reflect the actual routing should the itinerary change.

Although we have made a concerted attempt to verify the accuracy of statements made in our trip documentation, we cannot be held responsible for any error, omission or unintentional misrepresentation that may occur.

If you have a complaint about your trip please inform your group leader or our local representative at the time in order that they can attempt to rectify the matter. If satisfaction is not reached through these means then any further complaint should be put in writing to us within 30 days the tour ends

We reserve the right to modify the present Terms of Use, without any prior notice. These changes do not affect tours booked prior to the modifications.